
Last updated:
March 22, 2024



Use of the Services (as defined in the Rain Dashboard Agreement) for any dealings, engagement, or sale of goods/services linked directly or indirectly with jurisdictions Rain has deemed high risk, such as Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and the Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk Regions, or persons Rain has deemed high risk, such as those individuals or entities named to a restricted person or party list of the U.S., United Kingdom, European Union or United Nations, including the sanctions lists maintained by the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control or the Denied Persons List or Entity List maintained by the U.S. Department of Commerce, is prohibited.


In addition to these exclusions from Rain's platform, Rain does not allow companies registered in prohibited jurisdictions, or individuals from prohibited jurisdictions to open accounts. The list of currently prohibited jurisdictions is as follows and may be updated from time to time as required by relevant authorities or changes in applicable laws, or at Rain’s discretion.


Prohibited Jurisdictions

Rain Accounts are not available in the following jurisdictions:





Central African Republic















North Korea











Prohibited Activities List

Companies whose primary business is any of the following are prohibited from accessing and using the Services, including the Rain Platform and the Rain Card (as such terms are defined in the Rain Dashboard Agreement).


The examples listed below are not exhaustive and we reserve the right to modify or update the lists below at any time by posting a revised version to our website. The revised version will be immediately effective upon posting. If we determine in our sole discretion that you engage or have engaged in activities that are illegal, may harm others or our reputation or operations, or violate our or others rights, including by engaging in any of the activities below or authorizing or helping others to do so, we may deny, terminate, or suspend your use of the Services.


  1. Regulated or Illegal Activities
  • Sale of Schedule I controlled substances with or without a pharmaceutical license, or sale of Schedules II-V controlled substances without a pharmaceutical license, where such schedules are defined by the United States Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA);
  • Production, sale, or distribution of guns, accessories, ammunition, and other weapons;
  • Production, sale, or distribution of illegal material, including but not limited to child pornography;
  • Gambling, betting, lotteries, sweepstakes, or games of chance;
  • Prostitution or escort services;
  • Sale of counterfeit or "gray market" goods or services; and
  • Ponzi or pyramid schemes, or other unfair or deceptive activities.
  1. Products and Services that Infringe Intellectual Property
  • Sales or distribution of music, movies, software, or any other licensed materials without appropriate authorization;
  • Counterfeit goods; illegally imported or exported products;
  • Unauthorized sale of brand name or designer products or services; and
  • Any other products or services that directly infringe or facilitate infringement upon the trademark, patent, copyright, trade secrets, proprietary or privacy rights of any third party
  1. Violent or Hateful Activities
  • Intentionally promoting, supporting, or perpetrating (1) violence or physical harm or (2) hate toward any group or individual based on race, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, immigration status, or any other legally protected characteristic under federal or state law.
  1. Misuse of Rain Products
  • Use of Rain products with false, manipulated, inaccurate, or misleading information regarding your identity, business entity, the nature of business, and any other information requested by Rain (you must inform us immediately of any changes to your personal and business information);
  • Use of Rain products to facilitate transactions on behalf of another undisclosed person or entity or for products/services that were not disclosed in the your Rain account application; and
  • Use of Rain intellectual property without prior written consent from Rain; use of the Rain name or logo including use of Rain trade or service marks inconsistent with the Rain Marks Usage Agreement, or in a manner that otherwise harms Rain or the Rain brand; any action that implies an untrue endorsement by or affiliation with Rain

  1. Restricted Activities List

Companies that are engaged in the following activities or businesses may be required to provide additional information or documentation or may be ineligible for certain Services:

  • Financial services providers, including banks or bank affiliates, securities brokers, money transmitters, investment companies, or investment funds; or
  • Sale of Schedules II-V controlled substances with a pharmaceutical license, where such schedules are defined by the DEA.

The types of businesses listed in the Prohibited Activities List and the Restricted Activities List are representative but not exhaustive.