Rain Spend Corporate Card Program Terms

Last updated: 9/3/24 

Card Terms

Important Disclosures

Rates, fees, and other important information about your Rain Spend( Corporate Card (“Card”) are set forth in these Important Disclosures.  

Effective as of 9/3/24

Interest Rates and Interest Charges

Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases

Your Rain  Spend Visa® Corporate Card is currently Zero 0% interest on all purchases. Rain reserves the right to implement interest in the future, for new purchases. Rain will disclose any changes to this agreement prior to the introduction of interest and other charges associated with your Rain Spend Visa® Corporate Card.


     Transaction Fee

          Foreign Purchases

               - Foreign Exchange Fee (non USD): up to 3%  

             - Cross Border Fee: up to 3%

           Penalty Fees

               - Late payment : Up to $40

               - Returned payment: Up to $29

               - Liquidation penalty: Up to $35

The issuer of the credit card program is Third National under license from Visa. The information about the cost of the Card described in this table is accurate as of  9/3/24. This information may change after that date. To find out what may have changed, call or write the servicer, at  support@raincards.xyz (973) 737-9834.


These Rain Spend Card Terms (the “Card Terms”) are a binding agreement between Company (“Company” or “you”) and Signify Holdings, Inc., including its affiliates, successors, and assigns (“Rain,” “we”, or “us”) that govern your use of Rain Cards, including the process for obtaining and managing Rain Cards. These Card Terms are part of, and incorporated by reference into, the Dashboard Agreement entered into between you and Rain.  

We reserve the right to amend these Card Terms or impose additional obligations or restrictions on you at any time with or without notice to you. By continuing to use the Services, you agree to be bound by such amendments or additional obligations or restrictions. The date on the top of this page shows when the Card Terms were last updated. Capitalized terms that are not defined here have the definitions provided in the Dashboard Agreement.  
 Defined Terms:
 Card Networks means the payment card networks including, but not limited to, Visa or Mastercard.
 Charge means a payment for goods or services made to a merchant that accepts payments on the applicable Card Network.
 Chargeback means a dispute that you initiate against a merchant for an unresolved dispute with the merchant or where a Charge is unauthorized.
 Fee means charges we impose on you for use of Services or your use of a Rain Card.  
 Periodic Statement means the periodic statements that reflect activity for all Cards issued to Company identifying charges, fees, refunds, or other amounts owed or credited to your Rain Account during the time covered by that statement.
 Supported Blockchains means the Ethereum Blockchain, Polygon Blockchain, Optimism Blockchain, Arbitrum Blockchain and other blockchain networks which may be added at the sole discretion of Rain.

1. Accepting this Agreement  

This Agreement becomes effective and legally binding when you activate or create your Card by following the instructions on the Rain Dashboard, or your acceptance of the Rain Spend Fee Agreement, whichever comes first. You and we agree to comply with, and be bound by, this entire Agreement. You should retain and carefully review this entire Agreement. By creating a card, you agree to the Arbitration Clause as it pertains to this agreement, even if you do not use the Account or the Card.

2. Issuer Terms
 Cards are issued either by the issuer identified on the bank of the Rain Card issued to you, as identified in these Card Terms, or any other agreements or materials provided to you (in each case, the “Issuer”). Issuer is the creditor responsible for funding your payments for goods and services your purchase at a merchant through your Rain Card. Please note that the Issuer may require you to accept additional terms in addition to the agreements you have with Rain, and your use of the Rain Cards will then also be subject to such additional terms.  
 3. Collateral
 Either your primary Linked Wallet or any Additional Wallets may provide the collateral that will secure the Charges made by Company Users on any Rain Card (the “Collateral”). The Collateral will be in the form of a Digital Asset. Rain reserves the right to designate which forms of Digital Assets may be used as Collateral, and reserves the right to decline a form of Collateral if it does not meet its updated policies, guidelines, or the Issuer’s requirements.  
 A “Liquidation Event” will occur a) if you have an outstanding payment obligation to Rain or the Issuer, as applicable, and such payment obligation has not been paid in full by you within (7) seven calendar days of the due date on the Periodic Statement provided to you; OR b) the Market Value of your collateral drops below the value of the existing charges on your Rain card(s) and you do not add additional collateral.  

“Market Value” of the Collateral will be determined by Rain using the net redemption value provided by a centralized stablecoin issuer and/or the real time price posted on a reputable and recognized exchange or price aggregator, or by reference to a price oracle, subject to Rain’s sole discretion. You agree that the market value of your collateral is determined solely by Rain through the above methods. You further agree that the Market Value is determined at the time of a Liquidation Event and any change in or fluctuation in value of the collateral before or after a Liquidation Event will have no bearing on obligations owed to Rain.  

You, through one or more of your Linked Wallet or Additional Wallets, will be required to post Collateral that has Market Value in United States Dollars (“USD”) equal to each dollar that is charged to all of your Rain Cards. For example, if you provide Digital Assets with a Market Value equal to $100 of value in USD, and that Market Value does not change, your spending limit will be equal to $100 USD across all your Rain Cards. Once $100 USD has been charged to your Rain Cards, you will be required to provide additional Collateral for any incremental Charges. If the Market Value of your collateral goes down below $100 USD, and you have $100 USD in charges, you may be subject to a Liquidation Event. If the Market Value of your collateral is subject to a liquidation event when the Market Value is below your existing charges, you still owe Rain any difference between the USD value of the charges, and the USD value of the collateral at the time of Liquidation.  

The Collateral will be held in one or more smart contracts on the Supported Blockchains. You will retain access to the Collateral at all times and the Company will only have access to the Collateral during or after a Liquidation Event. Once a Liquidation Event occurs, the Collateral will be foreclosed and liquidated by the smart contract in order to repay the outstanding balance on your Rain Cards. You authorize Rain and its designees to foreclose and/or liquidate the Collateral upon a Liquidation Event and use the amounts to satisfy your payment obligations owed to Rain, the Issuer, or other third party. You agree that Rain will not be required to notify you prior to such liquidation and you acknowledge and agree that, because of the nature of the blockchain technology and smart contract infrastructure, Rain may not be in a position to stop a liquidation from occurring.  
 To withdraw your Collateral, you must provide Rain at least (3) business days prior notice. You agree that any Collateral that has been provided within the (3) business days of your notice to us may be subject to liquidation. Your withdrawal of any Collateral will not terminate any outstanding payment obligations you may have on your Rain Cards.
 Rain will not, in any circumstance, be holding custody of your Collateral. Rain is not a custodian or owner of your Collateral. If a Liquidation Event occurs, only the amount required to repay your outstanding financial obligations to Rain will be liquidated from your Collateral. Any unencumbered Collateral balances shall remain freely accessible. You authorize and consent to Rain liquidating the Collateral upon a Liquidation Event through a third party or by other means in order to satisfy payment obligations owed by you to Rain, the Issuer or other third party, as applicable.  
 4. Spending Limits
 Rain may set spending limits on each Rain Card or an aggregate spending limit across all Rain Cards, at its sole discretion. In general, however, the spending limit will be determined, in part, by the available spending power of your Rain Account. Spending limits are dynamic and may be modified at any time with or without notice to you, including temporarily increases or decreases or reducing spending limits to $0. Any authorized Charge or fee on a Rain Card may reduce your spending limit by a corresponding amount. You will be able to view your aggregate or card specific spending limit on your Rain  Dashboard.  
 When you use Rain Card to initiate a transaction at certain merchants where the amount of the final transaction is unknown at the time of authorization, Rain may assess a value to such a Charge for an amount higher or lower than the final Charges. The initial “hold” Charge will reduce your spending limit until the final Charge is determined.
 Company Administrators may set Company User-specific limits or controls through your Rain Account, but the aggregate spending limit for all Company Users may not exceed the total spending limit established for Company as determined by the total Market Value of the Collateral.
 5. Purchases

The primary purpose of your Account is to facilitate corporate expenses and other corporate purchases. Rain reserves the right to block and terminate transactions and suspend access to your Account, unless prohibited by applicable law, for transactions and activity which presents patterns that do not conform with business purposes. You may use your Account to purchase or lease goods or services (each, a “purchase”) by presenting your Card or providing to participating merchants and establishments that honor the Card your Card number and additional information by any other means (for example, over the phone, online or through a mobile app). We will not be liable to you (or anyone else) if any merchant or other person cannot or will not process a purchase permitted under this Agreement. Unless prohibited by applicable law, we may from time to time limit the type, number and dollar amount of any purchase, including any cash-like transaction, even if you have sufficient available credit to complete the purchase. Cash-like transactions include, but are not limited to, the following transactions to the extent they are accepted:

• purchasing travelers checks, foreign currency, money orders, wire transfers, cryptocurrency, other similar digital or virtual currency and other similar transactions;

• purchasing lottery tickets, casino gaming chips, race track wagers, and similar offline and online betting transactions;

• person-to-person money transfers and account-funding transactions that transfer currency; and

• making a payment using a third-party service including bill payment transactions not made directly with the merchant or their service provider.

We reserve the right to deny any purchase for any reason, such as account default, suspected fraudulent or unlawful activity, or any indication of increased risk related to the purchase. The list above is non-exclusive and may be expanded in Rain’s sole discretion. We may also permit certain activities list above in certain situations. We may terminate or suspend your use of the Card or the Account, with or without notice to you before or at the time we take such action. Cash advances and balance transfers are not available under this Agreement.

6. Payments
 6.1 Promise to Pay  

You promise to pay Rain or its assignees for all amounts charged to the Account, including all purchases, interest, and charges charged to your Account.  You are obligated to repay Rain or its assignees, for all transactions made using your Card by people you have authorized to use the Card even if their use of the Card exceeds the authorization which you gave them, or even if it exceeds the Market Value of your Collateral.

6.2 Periodic Statements
 You are responsible for payment in full of all Charges and Fees. Your Rain Account will include Periodic Statements identifying Charges, Fees, refunds, the amount of your Collateral, any other Card transactions, or other amounts owed or credited to your Rain Account. Periodic Statements may be made accessible to you on your Rain Account daily, monthly, or as otherwise prescribed by Rain. You must notify us promptly if you believe that there are any errors on your Periodic Statement, and submit any disputes or Chargebacks in accordance with these Card Terms. We are not obligated to send you a monthly statement if we deem your Account to be uncollectible or applicable law does not require us to send you a monthly statement for other reasons.
 6.3 Repayments
 You may make a repayment for a balance on one or more of your Rain Cards by any means that are permitted by Rain and as provided in your Rain Account. If you do not make a payment when such payment is due, Rain may rely on your Collateral to satisfy your payment obligation. As described above, your non payment will result in a Liquidation Event in the amount of your outstanding payment obligations to Rain.  
 A Liquidation Event will not be a waiver of our rights to collect future payments from you. Rather, a Liquidation Event will only satisfy the payment obligations outstanding and due at any given time. There may be additional Collateral underlying your Rain Card, and such additional Collateral may be used to satisfy further payment obligations to Rain
 Any failure to pay the full amount owed to Rain or the Issuer, as applicable, when required is a breach of this Agreement. You are responsible for all costs or expenses that we may incur in collecting amounts owed but not timely paid, including legal or collections fees and any interest at the maximum rate permitted under law.

6.4 Prepayment

At any time, you may pay all or any part of your outstanding Account balance, without penalty. Payment of more than the payment due in one billing cycle will not relieve you of the obligation to pay the entire payment due in subsequent billing cycles.

7. Fees.

Subject to applicable law you agree to pay the following fees:
 We will disclose any Fees to you when you are approved for a Rain Card through your Rain Account, by updating these Card Terms, or through our website. We may update, add, or change Fees upon 30 days’ notice to you. Fees we assess may include interest or other finance related charges, periodic fees, fees for Card issuance or replacement, fees applicable to certain transactions, foreign transaction fees, usage fees, service fees, cash advance fees, fees for late payments, fees for failed payments or returned payments, fees for misuse of the Services, fees for Liquidation Events, or other fees we disclose to you. You are responsible for Fees in addition to Charges.

7.1 Penalty fees.
 (a) Liquidation fee
 (b) Each time a payment on your Account is returned or reversed for any reason or we must return any check, instrument, or transaction you send us because it is incomplete or faulty, we will charge you a returned payment fee of $29.00. However, we will not charge a returned payment fee if we are charging a late fee with respect to the same minimum payment due and will never charge a returned payment fee exceeding the minimum payment due that was due immediately prior to the date on which the payment was returned to us.
 (c) Additional fees. We may charge fees for special services you request in accordance with applicable law.

7.2  Foreign Currency Transactions

 If you make a transaction using your Account in a foreign currency (including, for example, online purchases from a merchant located outside of the U.S.), the credit card association will convert any transaction in foreign currency into U.S. dollars using an exchange rate for the applicable central processing date that is (1) selected by the association from the range of rates available in wholesale currency markets, which rate may vary from the rate the association receives, or (2) the government mandated rate. The conversion rate you get may differ from the rate on the transaction date or the posting date, and from the rate that the credit card association gets. A merchant or other third party may convert a transaction into U.S. dollars or another currency, using a rate they select, before sending it to the credit card association.

      Foreign Transaction Fees   up to 3%

8. Managing Your Rain Cards
 8.1 Requesting and Replacing Cards
 Company Administrators may request Rain Cards for Company Users through your Rain Account.  We or the Issuer may decide not to grant requests for Rain Cards or limit the number of physical or virtual Rain Cards provided to any Company User.
 In order to request a Rain Card for any Company User, Company Administrators must provide the Company User’s full legal name and certain identifying and contact information which may include date of birth. Rain Cards may be denied or canceled due to changes in our policies and procedures, the Issuer’s policies, as required by law, or for any other reasons we determine are appropriate in our sole discretion.  
 Company Administrators may request that Company Users be issued Rain Cards with specific restrictions made available by Rain. For example, we may allow Company Users to be issued vendor cards, which can only be used at specific merchants, or we may allow Company Users to be issued cards with expiration dates set by Company Administrator.
 You are responsible for securing Rain Cards, account numbers, and Rain Card security features. You will promptly notify us and take appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized transactions when a Rain Card is lost, stolen, breached, or needs to be replaced. In such cases, Company Administrators may request the issuance of replacement Rain Cards through your Rain Account. Replacement Cards may have new account numbers that could require you to update the Rain Card on file for any scheduled or recurring payments. You are solely responsible for updating Rain Card information stored with merchants where account numbers have been changed.
 8.2 Permitted and Unauthorized Use
 Company Users may only use Rain Cards for bona fide business-related Charges and transactions, and not for personal, family, or household purposes.  You understand that your Rain Account is commercial in nature and that certain consumer protection laws, such as the Credit Card Consumer Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act of 2009, do not apply to your Rain Account or the Rain Cards. You agree that all Charges and other transactions in your account will be treated as business transactions made solely for business purposes.
 You are responsible for selecting the individuals in your organization who are authorized to use Rain Cards, and you are responsible for all Rain Card transactions and activities. You agree to establish and maintain controls designed to ensure that the Rain Cards are only used by authorized Company Users for bona fide Company business purposes and in compliance with the Dashboard Agreement, these Card Terms, any Issuer terms, and applicable law. You are responsible for Charges and transactions made by any person given access to Rain Cards even if they are not the person associated with or named on the Rain Card.
 Rain, Issuers, Card Networks, or other intermediary third-party service providers (including merchant acquirers) may deny or reverse Charges for any reason. Rain is not responsible for any losses, damages, or harm caused by any Charges that are denied or reversed.
 All Company Users are subject to the Dashboard Agreement and all terms, agreements, and policies incorporated by reference, including these Card Terms, The DashboardAgreement, the Authorize User Agreement, any Issuer terms, the Card Network rules, and any other agreements which we or the Issuer may require as a condition for the user of a Rain Card. Company is responsible for ensuring that Users read, understand and comply with their obligations with respect to use of the Rain Cards and the Services. Company is also responsible for notifying Company Users of any applicable updates to the Dashboard Agreement and all terms, agreements, and policies incorporated by reference, including these Card Terms, the User Terms, any Issuer terms, the Card Network rules, and any other agreements which we or the Issuer may require as a condition for the user of a Rain Card.  We may or may not provide notice of updates directly to Company Users.

 8.3 Lost or Stolen Cards.  

If your Card is lost or stolen or if you think someone may be using your Card or Account without your permission, you must notify us promptly by emailing us at support@raincards.xyz  or calling us at (973) 737-9834. You will not be liable for any unauthorized use that occurs after you notify us.  You may, however, be liable for unauthorized use that occurs before receipt of your notice by us. You have an obligation to assist us in our investigation if your Rain Card is lost or stolen or you believe someone is using your Rain Card or your Rain Account without your permission.  
 9. Chargebacks
 You are responsible for reviewing your Periodic Statements promptly and identifying any Charges that you believe are unauthorized or that you dispute.
 If you and a merchant have a dispute regarding a Charge identified on your Periodic Statement, such as delivery of incorrect goods or services or being charged the wrong amount, you should first attempt to resolve the dispute with the merchant. If the dispute is not resolved to your satisfaction or if you believe the Charge is unauthorized, you may initiate a Chargeback through your Rain Account. You must report any disputed Charge or error no more than 60 days after the disputed Charge is posted on your Periodic Statement. We may require additional details on the transaction and our review of your disputed Charge will be conditioned on you providing all of the information we may require to review the disputed Charge.  
 You understand that the Rain Card is subject to Card Network rules regarding chargebacks. The Card Networks have additional established procedures for resolving chargebacks that may require you to provide further details of the disputed Charge or associated documentation.
 Charges relating to disputed Charges and Chargebacks that are pending resolution may still be due and owing as of the date that payment is due as provided in the applicable Periodic Statement. Chargebacks resolved in your favor will be credited to your Rain Account on either the current or a future Periodic Statement. We may impose Fees, reduce your spending limits, or suspend access to your Rain Account or the Services if you fail to pay Charges relating to Chargebacks that are pending resolution on the payment date.

10. Termination

Subject to applicable law, we may suspend, revoke or cancel your Account privileges, your right to use the Card or deny any transaction, in our sole discretion at any time, with or without cause and with or without giving you notice.  Any termination of credit privileges, whether initiated by us or by you, will not affect any of our rights or your obligations under this Agreement, including your obligation to repay any amounts you owe us according to the terms of this Agreement. On our demand or upon termination of credit privileges, you agree to surrender to us or destroy the Card. If you attempt to use the Card after the termination of credit privileges (whether or not we have provided notice of such termination), the Card may be retained by a merchant, ATM or financial institution where you attempt to use the Card.

11. Change of Terms

Subject to applicable law, we may at any time change, add to or delete terms and conditions of this Agreement, including interest rates and this Change of Terms provision. Such changes may be based on our anti-fraud policies and procedures, your level of compliance with this Agreement, prevailing economic conditions and/or any other factors. We will give you notice of any change, addition or deletion as required by applicable law. As of the effective date, the changed terms, at our option, will apply to new purchases and the outstanding balances of your Account, to the extent permitted by applicable law.

 12. Remedies

In the event of your default under this Agreement, we may, subject to applicable law (including any applicable notice requirement): (a) declare all or any portion of your outstanding Account balance to be immediately due and payable; (b) instead allow you to repay your Account balance by paying the minimum payment due each billing cycle, without waiving any rights under subsection (a); and/or (c) commence a collection action against you and charge you for any court costs and/or any reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs we are charged in connection with such action by any attorney who is not our salaried employee. After a default, interest charges will continue to accrue until your total Account balance, including accrued interest charges, is paid in full, subject to applicable law.

13. ‍ Delay in Enforcement

We may at any time and in our sole discretion delay or waive enforcing any of our rights or remedies under this Agreement or under applicable law without losing any of those or any other rights or remedies. Even if we do not enforce our rights or remedies at any one time, we may enforce them at a later date. For example, we may accept late payments without losing any of our rights under this Agreement.

14. Communications and Call Recording.

You authorize Rain and its partners (one of and each of Rain’s joint or independent affiliates, agents, assigns, and service providers (collectively, the “Messaging Parties”) to use automatic telephone dialing systems, artificial or prerecorded voice message systems, text messaging systems and automated email systems, or any system capable of storing and dialing telephone numbers to deliver messages relating to this Agreement, your Account, or your relationship with the Messaging Parties more generally (including but not limited to: messages about , upcoming payment due dates, missed payments and returned payments) to any telephone number(s) you provide to the Messaging Parties. You also agree that these messages may deliver prerecorded and/or artificial voice messages. You understand that telephone messages may be played by a machine automatically when the telephone is answered, whether answered by you or someone else, and that these messages may also be recorded by your answering machine.  You also authorize the Messaging Parties to deliver messages to you via mail or email at any addresses you supply to them or that they obtain through any legal means.

You understand that anyone with access to your mail, telephone or email account may listen to or read the messages the Messaging Parties leave or send you, and you agree that the Messaging Parties will have no liability for anyone accessing such messages. You further understand that, when you receive a telephone call, text message or email, you may incur a charge from the company that provides you with telecommunications, wireless and/or internet services, and you agree that the Messaging Parties will have no liability for such charges except to the extent required by applicable law. You expressly authorize the Messaging Parties to monitor and record your calls with the Messaging Parties. If any telephone number you have provided to the Messaging Parties changes, or if you cease to be the owner, subscriber, or primary user of any such telephone number, you agree to immediately give notice to the Messaging Party who delivered the messages of such facts so that the Messaging Party can update its records.

This authorization is part of our bargain concerning this Agreement, and we do not intend it to be revocable. However, to the extent you have the right to revoke your consent to communications by autodialed calls and text messages to your mobile number under applicable law, you may exercise this right by contacting the applicable Messaging Party directly or by sending a request by email to support@raincard.xyz with the subject line “END COMMUNICATIONS.” You may opt-out of receiving most of these messages at any time by sending us a request to support@raincard.xyz or by responding “STOP” to any text message. To stop emails only, you can follow the opt-out instructions included at the bottom of the Messaging Parties’ emails.